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We've been working hard at Mainstreet Waynesboro to revitalize our downtown, and we could not have done it without the support of our fantastic community!
We are proud to announce that our organization has attained Affiliate status with Main Street America for the sixth straight year!


Let's keep up the good work, Waynesboro!

Mainstreet Waynesboro wins two Townie awards

WAYNESBORO, Pa. – Mainstreet Waynesboro Inc. is one of a handful of community programs in the state to be honored as a Townie Award recipient for 2020, the Pennsylvania Downtown Center announced.

Mainstreet Waynesboro, a nonprofit whose sole mission is the revitalization of the downtown’s commercial core, joins Venture Lititz as double winners.

Mainstreet was honored for the following:

  • In the Safe, Clean and Green category for its One Brick at a Time project next to Zoe’s Chocolate Co.

  • In the Chairman’s Award for Youth Involvement category for the contributions of former intern Marcus Cooley, now a sophomore at Columbia University.   



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WAYNESBORO, PA.  – Mainstreet Waynesboro has been designated as an Affiliate Main Street America™ program, which recognizes community organizations for meeting rigorous performance standards. 


Each year, Main Street America and its partners honors Affiliate programs to recognize their commitment to create meaningful improvements to their downtowns using preservation-based economic development and community revitalization through the Main Street Approach™.


Mainstreet Waynesboro Inc. received the affiliate status from Main Street America for 2022, its seventh straight year being recognized. In 2016, Mainstreet Waynesboro was recognized as an MSA Accredited program.

“Our staff and volunteers work very hard at a job that we love,” said Bill Kohler, director of economic development for Mainstreet Waynesboro since 2016.

Mainstreet Waynesboro, Inc.

13 W. Main Street Waynesboro, PA 17268




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